A community of Christ cultivating service, love and peace.


Sunday School - 9:30 am  

Worship Services - 11:00 am

Please join us in the sanctuary at 11 a.m. on Sundays or online at the Zoom link:


Meeting ID: 882 3593 7110  Passcode: 2643200

No matter who you are, where you come from, or where you’re going, we’re happy to welcome you into our family!  




Online giving is easy with Tithe.ly

If giving by check, make checks payable to “First Mennonite Church” and mail them to the assistant treasurer:
First Mennonite Church
Attn: Assistant Treasurer
601 E. Parham Rd.
Richmond, VA 23227.

You can like, share or follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FirstMennoniteChurch/

Upcoming Sermons

September 15, 2024: “Moral Protest”

2 Samuel 21:1-14

September 22, 2024: “Equipping the Saints” (at Williamsburg Christian Retreat Center, Fall Retreat)

Ephesians 4: 11-16

Upcoming Events

NEIGHBORHOOD COFFEE FELLOWSHIP — Third Tuesday of each month, in the Fellowship Hall at 9:30 am.  All are welcome. The next Neighborhood Coffee is September 17.

COMFORTER-MAKING FOR MENNONITE CENTRAL COMMITTEE — FMC attenders gather on the 4th Wednesday of each month to sew comforters for a Mennonite Central Committee relief project. The next Comforter-Making day is September 25.

ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES — Adult classes during the Sunday school hour:

  • “The Beatitudes” book study led by the Ministerial Leadership Team. Books available in the Commons. Meets in the fellowship hall.

  • Membership Class led by Pastor Ryan. Meets in classroom next to the library.

BOOK STUDY WITH ANNOINTED NEW LIFE BAPTIST CHURCH — Monday evenings, 6:30, September 16 through October 21, at 7343 Hermitage Rd. or via Zoom. The book is The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.

FALL RETREAT — September 20-22, 2024. The theme is “Relationships,” with various workshops. There will also be activities for children during all of the workshop times.

Mennonite Women of VA Retreat — November 8-10 at the Marriott in Short Pump. For more details and to register see this link.


First Mennonite Church
601 E Parham Road
Richmond, VA 23227


(804) 264-3200

Pastor - Ryan Ahlgrim
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.

Associate Pastor - Emily Hodges Nyce
Office Hours: currently by appointment only

Office Manager - Hannah Harward
Hours: Varies